Don't get me wrong, I love crossfit, and intensity, and pain. I do.
However, my life has recently taken a slightly more balanced turn and I'm being called to focus on a few other things.
Lately, I feel like my 'intensity' is being put towards other areas...and I'm also softening a bit. I don't feel this huge need or desire to pursue athletic accomplishment like I have before, at least not the same way.
Since I retired in 2007 its been a slow process of letting go of competion as my life.
Lately, every time I swing a kettle bell it feels like I'm getting punched in the shoulder. Not in a good way. It feels like my little brother is punching me in the shoulder and I'm ready to scream "knock it off! you're so annoying."
It could be a phase or it could be a more permanent shift. I'm not yet ready to make that judgement call. Right now, I feel like I need to love my body and not force it to take a certain shape.
I've been much more inspired doing other things lately.....
I'm not forgetting however, that doing crossfit is a great way to catch up with good friends. :-)