A few years ago, when I was training kayak, the thought of running a marathon was far from a goal.
"I will never run a marathon for fun. I don't see anything fun about it. 200 meters (50 seconds) is fun for me."
Now, its 2010, I've been a retired kayaker for over a year and a half and I'm contemplating participating in a marathon. Or at least, training for one.
"Hmm...I wonder what it would take exactly...is 18 weeks long enough to prepare?"
Last year I trained for the Crossfit Games, which was incredibly rewarding. Now, I'm interested in something totally different.
My athletic existance always revolves around the edgey wild sports. Jiu Jitsu tournament? Count me in. 30 Overhead squats with a 400m run? Perfect. Racing 500 meters in a kayak with four other people in Poland? Rad!
Run a marathon? Hmmm. I never really thought about it.
Now its time to think about it.
My need for speed, admiration, and my bull dog spirit has mellowed out. I would feel complete just finishing a marathon.
Running a marathon is simple, you keep running even when you don't want to anymore. Something about that is calling to me right now. I will sit w/ it for a bit.