To put it lightly, I'm goal oriented. I'm learning to manage my time in a way that allows me to do everything I want in my life...and yet still feel like I'm at summer camp everyday!
I'm going to give you all a little background, because I want to make sure you all know that I am not inherently type A.
I was homeschooled my entire life. I was given the freedom to create my own schedule and choose where I put my focus. Largely, this was very unstructured. I didn't have very much direction and I cut some big corners. I started kayaking full-time and that was my first exposure to having a very structured day. I kept paddling but aside from working a little bit on top of training, my days were laid back. The most I was doing at once was taking an EMT course, working, and training. This was totally OKAY, because the amount of training I was doing was draining and rest was important.
Over the past year things have changed. I've taken on more and more responsibility and expanded in ways I didn't think were possible.
Inherently, I'm creative, laid back, and would love being off doing random projects and having great adventures. However, I've created goals that thoroughly inspire me and I realize to make them happen its going to take some structure.
I didn't get one until last fall. Now, I don't know how I survived without it.
Why I love my calendar?
-I teach crossfit at two lovely locations, teaching a total of 8 classes a week.
-I have private clients.
-I work at lululemon La Jolla and lululemon San Diego.
-I just started a six month leadership program w/ Landmark Education.
-I workout 5-8 times a week and I am committed to staying on top of my nutrition.
-I have incredible friends who I love spending time with!!
-I enjoy my hobbies: blogging, reading the lululemon library, and learning Spanish.
I scheduled time for grocery shopping.
I schedule time to nap.
I schedule time to play on facebook.
I also started being responsible for my finances. I've always "handled" my finances, however, now I'm setting myself up to get ahead and be inspired by my finances.
With that, I started tracking exactly what I am spending money on. Just being aware of what my daily expenses are has helped me save money! Its personally inspiring...but my closet and Luon collection is mad at me.
I know all you artsy free adventurers are feeling a bit queasy reading this.
However, taking on a few type A qualities has given me quite a bit of freedom.
Taking on some type "A" qualities has made being type "B" easier.
I don't think anyone who knows me now would ever know me as a free-spirited punk rocker teen who just wanted to write songs and hangout with friends all the time. I couldn't run for more than 10 mins without getting bored.
I think I'm going to call myself a "self created type A". I like that.
When I'm retired I will be "re-created type B".