Tuesday, April 10, 2007

The Count Down Begins

Each year it seems to come so quick, racing season.
You don't feel prepared, you dread the pain, you miss mellow training days, you get nervous, and then all of a sudden you're racing and you remember how fantastic it is.

Trials begins in 11 days.

Yes, I'm nervous.

I'm also stoked. I trust myself more this year than last or at least, I'm forcing myself to.

I can also feel the training sessions coming together. We did broken 500m pieces today and I've felt the best I have in a while. I was completely exhausted from time trials before hand but technically, mentally, and tactically I felt very there.

I'm learning that mental outlook is a key ingredient to success. You have to force yourself to believe even if you feel like a dung heap. It sounds funny considering I don't have very much faith anywhere else. I don't know how to explain it, but when you can wrap your mind around the possibility of accomplishing something you thought was unimaginable you have a huge advantage.

What helps me, is remembering where I came from. Not too long ago (okay, seven years) I never even dreamed of making the Junior World Championship Team. Then I blew everyone's mind and made it to Brazil. Before that I could barely imagine being at the top of my meager club let alone the country.

Before you know it things change and if you're not going to be positive or accept the possibility than you might as well give up.

peace out kids

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