Sunday, February 11, 2007

My Bitter End

I started working at the Bitter End in October. It was purely by chance that I started there. My boss saw me outside and commented on my bulging biceps which ended up getting me a job checking IDs outside.

Before I started working there, I visited a few times. I showed up in cargo pants, with my floral button up tied casually at my waste. I had a few Coronas and laughed at stupid guys trying to pick me up. I remember meeting Richie Rich and his gym buddy. In an attempt to pick me up, he told me his friend and him hung out because they were both wealthy and had money to spend. I laughed in his face and sarcastically scolded him for speaking to people in such a manner. I don't think he ever really got what I meant. After I began working there I continued to see them every weekend drinking expensive shots and never really meeting any attractive girls. I thought that those two were a trailer to the other gold diggers and gold diggees that I would be working with and providing excellent customer service to.

I did meet my share up drunk ass wannabes, ass-holes, alcoholics, and clubbers. However, overall, I was wrong. I met a few people that provided some powerful insight and unknowingly suggested a few anti comfort zone practices to challenge myself with in my professional and personal life. I read few good books (Extraordinary Minds and Maiden Voyage) that were lent to me by a bartender and they substantially helped me through a few down weeks I've had. I also created a small social group outside of the normal athlete pool I choose from. Surprisingly, some of them left a mark on my life.

I couldn't help but feel really sad driving home after my last night catching fake IDs. I know I'm making the right decision by leaving and in a sense,I'm somewhat over the scene. Yet, I will undoubtedly miss the stories I came home with, the people I worked with, and I might even slightly miss the power of turning ass holes away because they're not wearing the right attire.

Every situation makes you grow as a person, and no matter how remedial working at a club is, I learned from it. Even if what I learned was that working at a club, no matter how much fun it is, isn't a conducive environment for what I'm really about.

I am not, nor ever was, really into drinking, or partying, or looking too cool for everyone. Even if did I project the image really well with a splash of my own style.

I am hardly looking down on the night life industry. In fact, after working there, I have a lot more respect for people that do. But by working there, I think people may have a tendancy to get sucked into that scene. Definitley not in all cases.
My point is, I have high expectations for myself. I don't want to just be around for someone elses entertainment. I want to help people, inspire people, or influence people to create better lives for themselves. Obviously, I would hope to do that in any situation I'm in. However, I know I have more to offer then wearing belly shirts and catching fake IDs.

In honor of stepping out of my comfort zone, I'm through with the Bitter End at least for the time being. When you flirt with something you know isn't right for you, even if it is fun, you don't leave space for the universe to provide what is right for you. I knew that all along, I guess I was just blinded by having so much fun.

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